Thursday, March 5, 2009

My first podcast!

Mind Mapping

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Solving Problem

How to develop your idea

It is a fact that many brilliant inventions resulted from human creativity. The inventions of telephone, radio, television, electric light, computer, and so on, have prove this.

Of course, it is impossible to develop your creativity simply by wishful thinking. You must exercise it bit by bit. No matter how small the new idea that comes into your mind, you can always start with it. Try to see how to develop it further. In this way you will strengthen your mind in developing new ideas.

You can always learn to develop new ideas by reading, discussing things with other people, traveling a lot, etc. After you have got your first new insight, you must take the second step; that is, preparation. In this preparation stage, among other things, you must try to collect information, and think of the way things have to be done. In case you meet big difficulties, you'd better refresh yourself for a while by taking a walk, taking a nap, enjoying your hobbies, etc. This will really help you find a way-out. Remembering this saying,"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". You will become boring, and also get too tired. Even worse, no solution comes out to your problem.

Taking notes is also an important activity. Nobody can remember everything he has done. Next to that your notes would also help you go over again your previous work. Perhaps you have left it for a certain reason or another. Based on the preparation you have made, you can then start working on your new idea.

Remember that a great idea is worthless unless it comes to the right person. You can be that right person if you want to. Why not?
